Emiliano SIMEONIChoreograph & Artistic Deputy Director

    Emiliano starts ballet dancing at the age of 8 in Italy, supported by his mother who had dreamt of a career as a ballet dancer herself.

    Aged 17, he continues to take part in international dance competitions and obtained a grant to study in Master Gianin Loringette’s off jazz centre in Nice. The following year, Emiliano gets a place in the classical ballet of Madrid, the Grand Victor Ullate.

    After his solo dancing career on Spanish and Italian television sets (1992-2000) and an international model career for several brands, Emiliano meets Stéphane Haffner on a Rai1 programme in Rome. This meeting generates for the two artists love at first sight! Then starts a collaboration in which were born acts of dance-acrobatics in duo known under « Duo Angels ».

    Stéphane asks Emiliano to follow him in Paris to work alongside his brother at the Farfadais. In January 2001, Emiliano puts aside his career on the small screen to actively work in the business as a choreographer and assistant to the production of the performances.

    Since, he performs with the Farfadais everywhere in the world!

    The links between the two Haffner brothers and Emiliano is not just a working partnership but mainly a big friendship of over 15 years.


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