Les farfadais

Big Wheel

The lights gradually go out, plunging the audience into darkness. Only a beam of light pierces the shadows to illuminate an imposing structure in the shape of a Ferris wheel, located in the center of the scene.

The wheel begins to turn slowly, bringing with it a group of artists who emerge from the shadows. The acrobats take place around the wheel. With fluid and synchronized movements, they launch into a series of acrobatics on the ground, performing complex figures.

The wheel turns faster and faster, and the acrobats adapt to its relentless rhythm. They jump, roll and twist around the apparatus. Each of their movements is a dance.

One of the highlights comes when the wheel reaches full speed. Artists using centrifugal force perform somersaults with breathtaking precision. They are sometimes carried away by the wheel, sometimes they take control of it. The audience, amazed, warmly applauded this number which went beyond simple entertainment.

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