Les farfadais
Creators of the unreal
and Gala

Talentedly combining acrobatics on the ground or in the air and their fantastical-mythological universe, the Farfadais create a visual spectacle that your guests will remember for a long time. Do you want isolated numbers? a show ? around a specific theme? in the colors of your logo? or a staging for welcoming a VIP? You understand: the Farfadais do everything to make your event a success. So whether you are a company, a municipality, an events agency or a works council, contact us!

Who says private means confidentiality but know that the Farfadais come on the scene for a wedding, a birthday, an engagement evening or for any event that you want to celebrate with your loved ones in an intimate or excessive way. As proof, we are still revealing some photos taken in rehearsals or behind the scenes, so don’t hesitate to ask your event agency to contact us and we will create together, according to your wishes, the show of your dreams!
and custom made

Les Farfadais
The Acts
In the air
- Flying Diva
- Heart
- Ovum
- Rope
- Rose
- Sirens
- Spiral
- Starfish
- Straps
On the ground
- Bath
- Bed
- Big wheel
- Chalice
- Love Hoop
- Pole dance
- Spinning top
Les Farfadais
The Characters
The Shows
Imagine a world where reality merges with imagination, where artists defy the laws of gravity and the limits of creativity. Enter our new circus: a space where the extraordinary becomes the norm and where each number is an invitation to wonder!

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