Spinning top

Les farfadais Spinning top A murmur of anticipation runs through the ranks. In the center of the stage, a singular piece of apparatus begins to reveal itself: its shape promises astonishing metamorphoses, going from the Chinese pole to the pole dance in a breathtaking...


Les farfadais Spiral The lights slowly fade, plunging the scene into soft darkness. In the center, an astonishing structure: an aerial spiral, suspended, ready to be the scene of a particularly dazzling and disturbing number. The eyes of the spectators are fixed on...


Les farfadais Mermaids The scene is plunged into darkness, when suddenly, an aerial sphere, suspended above the ground, appears in the center of the scene. It is in this enchanting setting that two mythical creatures, mermaids with glittery tails, will emerge to offer...


Les farfadais Rose A magical atmosphere of mystery envelops the audience. A luminous halo reveals a majestic structure in the shape of a giant rose which is about to reveal a breathtaking painting: Vanity, Queen of the Earth. At the top of this magnificent flower, a...

Pole dance

Les farfadais Pole dance An electric atmosphere sets in, a prelude to a number that promises to push the limits of art and physical performance. The spectators, impatient and captivated, wait for the Farfadais, undisputed talents of the new circus, to unveil their...