Les farfadais
Pégase & Icare
Duration: 2h30 with intermission
Visual show with 1 singer and live orchestra
All audiences
The meeting of equestrian and aerial art
This original creation, born in the spring during the first Equestriades in the Théatre Antique d’Orange, is the result of a meeting: that of the Gruss family with the Compagnie Les Farfadais.
These squires and virtuoso artists together celebrate two great figures of Greek mythology: Pegasus, a winged horse known to be indomitable, and Icarus, whom his father, the architect Daedalus, endowed with bird wings to escape earthly traps.
This meeting of equestrian and aerial art represents an innovation-reference to illustrate the symbolism of a show which makes both the earth and the sky its places of expression. On land and in the air: 23 horse riders and acrobats, an orchestra of 10 musicians, and 40 horses from the prestigious cavalry of Alexis Gruss.

Pégase & Icare

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