Les farfadais
The straps act, whether performed solo, in duet or in synchronisation, always leaves the audience amazed, aware that they have witnessed an exceptional display of strength, grace and synchronisation.
In the ‘solo’ version, the artist proposes complex figures with dizzying rotations on a single arm; the straps then become an extension of his body.
When this act is performed as a duo, the acrobats transport the audience into an atmosphere of dreams and complicity; each gesture is a testament to coordination and mutual trust.

In the synchronised version, the straps are conjugated in the perfect tense in an aerial carousel where the artists touch the ground with a tiptoe, before resuming their flight hand in hand, legs intertwined.
Straps that don’t bind, but release themselves from the earth’s attraction: that’s the astonishing show Les Farfadais has in store for you!

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